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Sign number Documents Issue date Effective date
472/QĐ-CHK Aerodrome Technical Staff/Inspector Training Manual (GM13) 14.03.2022 14.03.2022
68/QĐ-CHK Assessment, Measurement and reporting of runway surface conditions (GM10) 12.01.2022 12.01.2022
68/QĐ-CHK Assessment, Measurement and reporting of runway surface conditions (GM10.0) 12.01.2022 12.01.2022
1161/QĐ-CHK Procedures for processing ICAO letters (State Letters), updates documents, determinations and notice differences with SARPs of ICAO and PANS 14.06.2021 14.06.2021
2696/QĐ-CHK Resolution and Enforcement Administration Manual (REM) 30.12.2020 30.12.2020
585/QĐ-CHK Aerodrome Technical Staff/Inspector Training Manual (GM13) 10.04.2020 10.04.2020
338/QĐ-CHK Assessment, Measurement and reporting of runway surface conditions (GM10) 21.02.2020 21.02.2020
2351/QD-CHK Generic Aerodrome Inspection Manual (GM15) 10.10.2019 10.10.2019
TCVN 12575: 2019 Airport Planning Manual 01.01.2019 01.01.2019
2560/QĐ-CHK Generic Technical Library Manual (GM11) 28.12.2018 28.12.2018
TCCS 23: 2018/CHK Airport Services Manual (Pavement Surface Conditions) (GM 1.2) 23.01.2018 23.01.2018
1272/QĐ-CHK Generic Aerodrome Manual (GM14) 09.06.2017 09.06.2017
2291/QĐ-CHK Procedures for processing ICAO letters (State Letters), updates documents, determinations and notice differences with SARPs of ICAO and PANS 13.12.2016 13.12.2016
TCCS 19:2016/CHK Manual of All-Weather Operations 20.06.2016 20.06.2016
721/QĐ-CHK Procedures for processing ICAO letters (State Letters), updates documents, determinations and notice differences with SARPs of ICAO and PANS 11.05.2016 11.05.2016
2611/QĐ-CHK Manual on Prevention of Runway Incursions (GM6.0) 30.11.2015 30.11.2015
399/QĐ-CHK Quy chế báo cáo an toàn hàng không 25.02.2015 25.02.2015
973/QĐ-CHK Generic Aerodrome Inspection Manual (GM15) 27.06.2014 27.06.2014
5002/QĐ-CHK Frequency for conducting friction surveys (GM19) 13.10.2011 13.10.2011
2779/QD-CHK Wildlife Hazard Management (GM1.3) 18.07.2011 18.07.2011
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