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Sign number Documents Issue date Effective date
6968/QĐ-CHK Frequency for conducting friction surveys (GM19) 06.12.2023 06.12.2023
2624/QĐ-CHK Generic Aerodrome Certification Procedure (GM5.0) 27.11.2023 27.11.2023
2625/QĐ-CHK Generic Aerodrome Inspection Manual (GM15.0) 27.11.2023 27.11.2023
2480/QĐ-CHK Aerodrome Design Manual (Electrical Systems) (GM2.5) 10.11.2023 10.11.2023
2461/QĐ-CHK Apron Management Service (GM22) 08.11.2023 08.11.2023
2414/QĐ-CHK Manual of Surface Movement Guidance and Control Systems (SMGCS) (GM3.0) 06.11.2023 06.11.2023
2398/QĐ-CHK Generic Manual - Conducting an Aeronautical Study (GM12) 03.11.2023 03.11.2023
2412/QĐ-CHK Aerodrome Design Manual (Frangibility) (GM2.6) 03.11.2023 03.11.2023
2411/QĐ-CHK Aerodrome Design Manual (Visual Aids) (GM2.4) 03.11.2023 03.11.2023
2672/QD-CHK Aerodrome Design Manual Runway (GM2.1) 29.10.2023 29.10.2023
2339/QD-CHK Aerodrome Technical Staff/Inspector Training Manual (GM13.0) 27.10.2023 27.10.2023
2268/QĐ-CHK Procedures for processing ICAO letters (State Letters), updates documents, determinations and notice differences with SARPs of ICAO and PANS 20.10.2023 20.10.2023
2034/QĐ-CHK Generic Aerodrome Manual (GM14.0) 26.09.2023 26.09.2023
1858/QĐ-CHK Aeronautical Information Management (GM9.0) 31.08.2023 31.08.2023
2772/QĐ-CHK Hướng dẫn phương pháp tính toán năng lực phục vụ hành khách tại cảng hàng không, sân bay 06.12.2022 06.12.2022
2511/QD-CHK Generic Aerodrome Inspection Manual 11.11.2022 11.11.2022
4290/CHK-QLC Hướng dẫn bổ sung về sơn kẻ tín hiệu, biển báo giới hạn tốc độ, biển báo giới hạn chiều cao trên đường công vụ trong khu bay 16.09.2022 16.09.2022
1506/QĐ-CHK General Policies and Procedures for staffing and qualifications of Civil Aviation Safety Inspectors (CASI) 11.07.2022 11.07.2022
675/QĐ-CHK Generic Aerodrome Manual (GM14) 06.04.2022 06.04.2022
539/QĐ-CHK Wildlife Hazard Management (GM1.3) 22.03.2022 22.03.2022
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